About Us



No weapon in the world is as formidable as the will and moral courage of the free men and women who rise up to defend liberty. 

Our family’s immigration from Southwest Germany to the United States symbolizes the pursuit of liberty and opportunity. Our ancestors contributed to the world-renowned "Made in Germany" standard-a legacy of building products that withstand the tests of time. We uphold the time-honored traditions of master craftsmanship—melding superior materials, German engineering, and old-world techniques to create products that are super rugged with superior longevity.

As a small company, our commitment to uncompromising quality means very limited product availability as each piece is carefully made and built to last. We ensure each product represents a “buy once, use for life” mentality. We provide world class customer service and fast shipping. Unlike many companies and big-box stores, we don't have a bloated executive team or stock price. Instead, we’re a humble, lean, and efficient team focused on delivering exceptional products to you. We are committed to producing world-class products that stand the tests of time. Continental Liberty provides superior "zukunftsfähigkeit," a very German phrase meaning "future-viability," ensuring our products remain at the forefront of rugged quality and have superior longevity.

Our trademarked logo, with its "1776" look, represents the symbol of liberty. The seven stripes represent the seven days of creation in the Bible, while the thirteen stars signify the original thirteen colonies that fought to establish the United States as a republic built on the ideals of liberty, freedom, and opportunity.
Continental Liberty products are in use globally non stop every day. 

Founded and headquartered in Green Bay, Wisconsin.  

Available here and limited options available at Amazon.com.